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John T. McEntire

Innovation ecosystem, IP policy & commercialization, research industry value chain

John T. McEntire is the Director of Industry Development and Knowledge Transfer (IDKT), where he leads a team of experts to protect and market technologies, find partners, and license QF owned IP around the globe.

More specifically, his current work includes the development of an effective innovation ecosystem for Qatar through multi-lateral relationships with domestic and international players in the industry, research, academic and government sectors, as well as shaping Qatar Foundation's activities through strategic protection, maturation, marketing and licensing of innovative intellectual property and utilization of technical expertise in Qatar's research community for use in products and services of start-up and existing companies.

McEntire joined Qatar Foundation in 2013 at the initiation of the Intellectual Property and Technology Transfer Office, where he played an active role in the development of QF’s first IP policy and processes. Over his career, he has consulted the governments of Japan and Singapore on technology transfer, and directed the Pacific Rim division for a computer software and hardware distribution company. He was involved in multiple start-ups and served as an advisor to several others. He spent five years in Tokyo, Japan, representing, marketing, and licensing US business interests throughout Asia.

McEntire holds a Bachelor’s degree from Brigham Young University and an MBA, with international focus, from the University of Illinois.