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Reem Hamid, a collaborator at QF school Academyati, talks about the impact a mother can have on society and the world by raising a successful child.
Well, let me first explain an important thing to you. Although I strongly believe in the importance of higher education to raise a promising generation, I know that some children are not raised at the hands of a mother with a university degree, nor are the walls in the home decorated with any honorary shields. But despite that, I know of cases where the mother insisted that all her children earn Masters and Ph.D. degrees so that they are able to pursue successful careers.
Even though the mother did not complete a formal education, she can still be a teacher to her children, full of wisdom and a visionary mindset.
This is what makes me strongly believe that, yes, education is essential for every girl, for a better life and future, but it should be linked to awareness and wisdom that enables one to integrate into society as a responsible and independent person.
There are many mothers who have not had the chance to receive or complete their education, but they have provided this opportunity for their daughters.
They have tried to bridge the gap between themselves and their children through reading, exploration, and self-development. We are now witnessing many positive changes that reflect real participation by mothers and fathers in their children’s learning journey. This contrasts with a time when we would find some mothers feeling isolated, avoiding change, and adopting traditional child-rearing approaches, which negatively affected their children's intellectual and behavioral levels.
Some mothers may choose a traditional social path for their daughters, so for them, a little education is sufficient; marriage and childbearing are the highest roles, and it is the same path they have walked. And although the performance of women in their traditional roles at home does not diminish their status at all, the desire of every girl to become educated and work, in addition to raising a family, must be taken into consideration, and here comes the role of the teacher or school in encouraging the girl to follow her dreams.
Therefore, at Academyati and in partnership with other Qatar Foundation (QF) schools, we are working to provide an educational environment that offers girls the space for learning; to explore and nurture their passion; and develop their social skills which will empower them to become active members in society. And we are keen to partner with parents, and mothers in particular, to achieve this mission together.
As an educator and a mother, I have always been impressed by other mothers who have proven that a mother is truly the school that builds generations. I have met wise mothers, trying to understand their daughters, and their needs, realizing that her time is not theirs, and that her daughter will not be a copy of her. Mothers who use effective methods of raising and educating their children such as respect, discussion and focus on solving problems. They accept their children for who they are, and provide support and unconditional love, while continuing their own journey of personal development, in parallel with parenting.
In Academyati, the first progressive school, and one-of-its-kind in Qatar, we believe that children learn naturally, and that our role is limited to motivating them, training them, and providing them with various educational opportunities and experiences. In our school, we record educational results by observing the child's development in methods of expression, communication, and skills, and while the strengths of each child differ from one child to another, all children create and innovate with freedom and curiosity.
We continuously monitor the level of awareness among our students' mothers who come from different educational or professional backgrounds, to see how supportive they are of their children, how they deal with an emotional crisis that the child may go through, and what enhances their children’s intellectual and emotional development.
On International Women’s Day, this year, I hope that every woman will have the opportunity to learn and follow her academic and professional passion. We must all realize as mothers that an educational certificate is a means that enables us to provide the best for our children, but it is not everything. Education, coupled with awareness, perception and wisdom, and our keenness as mothers to accompany our children in their journey of growth, allows us to build solid bridges of trust between us and them. This must always be our ultimate goal, and our best way to celebrate this special day.